
Friday, February 21, 2020

About me

Kia ora readers 

 Welcome back a new blog my name is Temera I am a years 6 at Hornby Primary School I have an amazing class room that also comes with an amazing teacher I also have lots of friends in my new class room like Tori, Malama, Rinaz, Rye and more.

I also have a best friend Tori me and her do lots of jobs together like sometimes when         
miss D is busy we get to answer the phone when someones ringing her also we get to do the stationary together.

Being in a new class room is fun and some of the work that we have been doing are writing our names on our tot trays and we have been making a posters about us its when we draw a picture of us and then we write things that we like to do.

Some things that I like to do are play lots of sport and I like doing stuff include singing or like instruments.  

                                  Hope you enjoyed readying feel free to comment.